Insights SAPE­RED

Sape­re aude – dare to think!

For us, this means that lear­ning is not the­re to dic­ta­te what peop­le must do, but to enab­le them to sol­ve tasks inde­pendent­ly and bet­ter. In times of chan­ge, empowe­red employees who can proac­tively shape the future of a com­pa­ny are worth their weight in gold. Tha­t’s why we foun­ded SAPE­RED in 2020: to chan­ge lear­ning in com­pa­nies.

We are a team of experts around Lear­ning & Deve­lo­p­ment, Digi­tal and Brand Expe­ri­ence. Our plan: to crea­te expe­ri­en­ces with a eure­ka effect, not just trai­ning ses­si­ons. In addi­ti­on to the KPIs, the needs of the employees are the mea­su­re of all things for us.

We are con­vin­ced that the future belongs to tho­se com­pa­nies that let their employees grow with them and their chal­len­ges.

Our core values


Principles over benefit.
Our moral principles are sacred.


For us, the highest form of appreciation is empathy and honesty.

We look out for each other and have the courage to admit our flaws. If you ask for help, you get it. We respect the vulnerability of others.


SAPERED is founded on trust. We can only function as a strong community if we can rely on our colleagues unconditionally. We mean what we say, and we stick to it.


Unity is strength. We are very different, and we use it to our advantage. Together we can go much further.

Free­dom & Respon­si­bi­li­ty

We rely on self-determined work and the greatest possible creative freedom. Everyone in our company bears responsibility for this: for themselves, for our company and for our environment. We harmonise economic, ecological and social interests.

Curio­si­ty & Auda­ci­ty

We think in terms of opportunities and have the courage to embrace change. New concepts and technologies drive our innovative hearts and minds. We question, want to understand and learn from our mistakes. This is how we continue to develop, become more effective and set the course for our future.


We act out of conviction and are passionate about what we do. There ain't no mountain high enough when it comes to following our passion. Our energy is contagious.


We always deal with people, ideas and events impartially. We are open to breaking new ground and adopting different perspectives.