We drive People to Grow. Wel­co­me to SAPE­RED!

Our pur­po­se makes it clear: We dri­ve peop­le to grow. Of cour­se, this also means crea­ting a place to grow intern­al­ly.

At SAPE­RED, you can be a chan­ge­ma­ker, help shape the work­place of tomor­row and work for exci­ting brands. With us, you can rethink lear­ning and make a dif­fe­rence.

Now all we need is you!

What is important to us:

Any ques­ti­ons?

We are always loo­king for peop­le who want to do some­thing extra­or­di­na­ry. Your degree is not important to us. We don’t care whe­ther your CV fits at first glance or whe­ther you find your way to us in a dif­fe­rent way. All we care about: Do you have what it takes to shape the future of lear­ning with us?

If you have any ques­ti­ons, plea­se get in touch:

This is what we offer you:

Let’s hear some­thing from the team:

Janine Kappenberg Stra­te­gy & Inno­va­ti­on L&D
„Jeder bringt was Eigenes mit und genau das bringt uns voran.”

Mich inspi­riert, wie jeder bei SAPE­RED sei­ne eige­nen Stär­ken und Per­spek­ti­ven ein­bringt. Das Beson­de­re? Trotz unse­rer Unter­schie­de tei­len wir alle die glei­che Lei­den­schaft für unse­re Arbeit. Jeder ist enga­giert, bringt sich ein und hat Bock auf das, was wir hier tun. Das ist für mich der Schlüs­sel zu Zufrie­den­heit einer­seits und wirk­lich guten, inno­va­ti­ven Ergeb­nis­sen ande­rer­seits.

Patti Onkels CEO
„For me, SAPERED means one thing above all: every day is different.”

I can get ful­ly invol­ved here and grow with every new task. It feels like I’m lear­ning a litt­le bit more about mys­elf and my skills every day, while at the same time dri­ving real­ly cool pro­jects for­ward. It’s this mix of per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment and the fee­ling of crea­ting some­thing of value that makes the dif­fe­rence for me.

Carlos Wenzel García Working Student
„Since day one more than just a working student.”

What I like about working at SAPE­RED? That working stu­dents are ful­ly invol­ved right from the start. I get to work on real pro­jects and some­ti­mes sol­ve tri­cky pro­blems on my own. This not only hel­ps me to gain prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence, but also shows me that I can real­ly make a con­tri­bu­ti­on. I learn things here that aren’t cove­r­ed in lec­tures, and in a real­ly cool way.