Gamification Vail­lant Mis­si­on 2024

We ensu­re a bet­ter cli­ma­te”. Vail­lan­t’s brand claim under­li­nes the com­pany’s role in the fight against the cli­ma­te cri­sis - and can beco­me a chal­len­ge. What hap­pens when the (pro­duct) solu­ti­ons on offer are so inno­va­ti­ve that sel­lers and users can­not sim­ply pro­ject them onto their ever­y­day lives and under­stand them?

This is whe­re we come in:

With a varie­ty of chal­len­ges to impart know­ledge, Vail­lant is going on a road­show through Ger­ma­ny and making it clear: Vail­lant has ans­wers to the pres­sing ques­ti­ons of our time and sup­ports its dea­lers in actively shaping the future.

Gami­fi­ca­ti­on as real added value ins­tead of just collec­ting points.”

Our task

Vaillant supports its authorised partners in achieving the targets set for them (Green Deal). Edutainment formats promote dialogue and engagement with the climate crisis.

Our aim

Installers are finding it difficult to meet the demands placed on them. Full order books, a shortage of skilled labour and the challenges of day-to-day business mean that the switch to climate-neutral heating and cooling equipment is progressing more slowly than necessary.

As a result, we have set ourselves the following goals:

  • Visualise the need for change and raise awareness of its urgency
  • Raise awareness of the role of the installer in tackling the climate crisis
  • Share product knowledge and empower installers

Our stra­te­gy

The brand sets the framework; the target group, its needs and its paint points determine the content.
Not the other way round.

The result

Brand meets mindset, product meets gamification, analogue meets digital.

By combining the SAPERED service areas, we have created a creative learning experience that comes to life in four stations. An app developed by us is the central theme, complemented by analogue elements such as the Vaillant slot machine.

Crea­ti­vi­ty meets sci­ence

We crea­te a trai­ning world whe­re par­ti­ci­pants can move free­ly bet­ween chal­len­ges and choo­se the station(s) that are most rele­vant to them. We don’t do this becau­se it’s tren­dy.

Accord­ing to Self-Deter­mi­na­ti­on Theo­ry, intrinsic moti­va­ti­on ari­ses when three inna­te basic needs are met:

1. auto­no­my:
The­re is no agen­da.
Par­ti­ci­pants have indi­vi­du­al needs and pain points. Accord­in­gly, they deci­de which trai­ning acti­vi­ties will help them and how much time they want to spend on them.

2. com­pe­tence:
All trai­ning con­tent enab­les pro­fes­sio­nals to build future know­ledge and skills. Whe­ther it is advi­sing cus­to­mers, instal­ling air-to-water heat pumps or making important adjus­t­ments.

3. belon­ging:
The gami­fi­ca­ti­on approach encou­ra­ges dia­lo­gue and allows par­ti­ci­pants to think out­side the box. Par­ti­ci­pants dis­cuss solu­ti­ons and learn from each other. They visua­li­se their pre­dic­ted con­tri­bu­ti­on to CO2 savings on the impact wall and feel part of a com­mu­ni­ty.

Ever­yo­ne counts

A chat­bot lays the foun­da­ti­on: it asks the par­ti­ci­pants ques­ti­ons and reacts to their ans­wers. Ever­ything revol­ves around the cli­ma­te cri­sis, the per­so­nal atti­tu­des of pro­fes­sio­nals to cer­tain issu­es and how their col­leagues feel about the same issu­es: Only tog­e­ther are we strong.

At the end of this sta­ti­on, the chat­bot asks par­ti­ci­pants to pre­dict how many rene­wa­ble hea­ting sys­tems they will be able to install in the com­ing mon­ths.

The resul­ting CO2 savings are dis­play­ed on the impact wall for all to see. The par­ti­ci­pants rea­li­se: My con­tri­bu­ti­on is important for us to be suc­cess­ful as a com­mu­ni­ty.

Trai­ning with the slot machi­ne

Skil­led craft­s­men take their for­tu­nes into their own hands. In the tru­est sen­se of the word. The slot machi­ne ran­dom­ly selects a house con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on.

An examp­le: An unre­no­va­ted detached house from the 1960s. The 170m² living space is hea­ted with radia­tors, etc.

The par­ti­ci­pants now choo­se the hea­ting com­bi­na­ti­on they think is opti­mal. The pos­si­ble com­bi­na­ti­ons can be found on NFC cards, and once they are pla­ced on the machi­ne, it shows whe­ther they were right or wrong - inclu­ding addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on.

In a play­ful way, we take away the fear of sel­ling inno­va­ti­ve pro­ducts to our cus­to­mers during the con­sul­ta­ti­on - and thus remo­ve one of the big­gest obsta­cles to the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on.

Next Case Vaillant Escape Game