Inspiration App recom­men­da­ti­on: Gaiali

Con­ti­nuous lear­ning is a topic dear to our hearts, not only in our pro­fes­sio­nal life, but also pri­va­te­ly. For examp­le, Mara starts every day with Gaiali.

Inspiration January 18, 2022 Pascal Jodocy 3 min

Ga-what? Gaiali!

Gaiali is your dai­ly fix of gene­ral know­ledge.“
This is what you find on their web­site and in the descrip­ti­on in the Play or App Store.
The com­pa­ny was foun­ded in 2020 with the goal of incre­a­sing the gene­ral know­ledge of its users. And we must admit they’ve done a ter­ri­fic job: it real­ly works!

How does the app work?

You can choo­se a play­list on any topic from twel­ve gen­res (from mytho­lo­gy to natu­re or histo­ry). The app then sug­gests up to 20 audio short sto­ries each around ten minu­tes long, super enter­tai­ning and infor­ma­ti­ve.

In total, the app now offers over 430 sto­ries –and the num­ber is incre­a­sing every day. The sto­ries are rese­ar­ched by the sci­en­ti­fic team (the com­pa­ny employs his­to­ri­ans, for examp­le), packa­ged into ama­zing texts and recor­ded.

In addi­ti­on to the actu­al lear­ning snip­pets, Gaiali also offers over 2000 quiz ques­ti­ons. In this way, users can test their own level of know­ledge and com­pa­re it with friends.

In short: with Gaiali, acqui­ring gene­ral know­ledge can be inte­gra­ted into ever­y­day life in a play­ful way, and that is how we like it!

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