About us One year of SAPE­RED

Good­ness gra­cious! Let’s take out the con­fet­ti and cele­bra­te SAPERED’s first bir­th­day. You’­re pro­bab­ly just as sur­pri­sed as we are becau­se this year real­ly flew by. But tha­t’s the way it is with things that are pur­sued with pas­si­on, per­se­ver­an­ce, and enthu­si­asm: befo­re you know it, it’s sud­den­ly Christ­mas.

One year of SAPERED November 24, 2021 Rubén Leites Garcia 3 min

Thank you!

When we look back on all the pro­jects that we imple­men­ted on the first part of our jour­ney tog­e­ther, we are incredi­b­ly proud and hap­py, but also gra­te­ful. Our thanks go, of cour­se, on the one hand to our cus­to­mers, who trust our exper­ti­se, and, on the other, to our part­ners. Many of them have been with us sin­ce day one, or even lon­ger, and belong to SAPE­RED even if their employ­ment con­tract says other­wi­se. It was pre­cise­ly with the­se peop­le that we were able to deve­lop an incredi­ble num­ber of exci­ting and varied pro­jects in year 1.

But we did­n’t just work for others, we also worked on our­sel­ves. We have crea­ted and opti­mi­sed inter­nal pro­ces­ses. We have defi­ned values for our­sel­ves and imbued them with life, we have estab­lis­hed our DNA and are in the pro­cess of distil­ling our iden­ti­ty. Becau­se we not only pro­mo­te con­ti­nuous fur­ther trai­ning among our cus­to­mers, but also under­stand it as a requi­re­ment for our­sel­ves.

A com­pa­ny with core values

In short: we take things serious­ly. For us and our work, our part­ners and socie­ty (more on this short­ly). This not only brings our cus­to­mer pro­jects and our­sel­ves for­ward, but also ensu­res growth and eco­no­mic suc­cess. As a com­pa­ny with core values, the­se two results are logi­cal posi­ti­ve side effects of our actions, but not their goal. We don’t want this to sound like we’­re a vol­un­teer cha­ri­ty. No, of cour­se we also work to be able to lead a finan­cial­ly secu­re life, but that is not what dri­ves us. We are here to deli­ver gre­at work and we are gra­te­ful for ever­ything that goes with it now and hope­ful­ly in the many years that will fol­low for all of us tog­e­ther.

Once again, thank you for an awe­so­me first year!

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