Hyundai Virtual Training Cockpit 100% digi­tal sales trai­ning: Hyun­dai IONIQ 5

We have been dealing with social distancing for almost two years and it still poses chal­len­ges. But, at SAPE­RED, we are hap­py to take on the­se chal­len­ges and make the best of them, for examp­le, when pre­pa­ring sale­speop­le for the mar­ket launch of the Hyun­dai IONIQ 5.

On an iMis­si­on

Goal and Stra­te­gy

The Covid-19 pan­de­mic made face-to-face trai­ning impos­si­ble, but it also crea­ted oppor­tu­nities. We have used this chan­ce and actively deve­lo­ped alter­na­ti­ves for the pre­sent, but also to face future unknowns. That is why we desi­gned the trai­ning to be 100% digi­tal. Our goal was not only to empower and deve­lop the par­ti­ci­pants through the trai­ning, but also to inspi­re them. The idea was to not only spark inte­rest for IONIQ 5, but also for Hyun­dai’s new sub-brand IONIQ. That was when iMis­si­on IONIQ 5 was born.

Inter­ac­ti­ve work­shops on brand, pro­duct and com­pe­ti­ti­on

Hyun­dai repre­sen­ta­ti­ves were able to inter­act direct­ly with the par­ti­ci­pants using a vir­tu­al stu­dio. For examp­le, Jür­gen Kel­ler (Mana­ging Direc­tor Hyun­dai Motor Ger­ma­ny) and Chris­ti­na Her­zog (Mar­ke­ting & Press Direc­tor) gave insights on the brand stra­te­gy and the posi­tio­ning of the IONIQ brand in an inten­si­ve work­shop. The high­lights of the new IONIQ 5 with a focus on per­fect pre­pa­ra­ti­on for sales pit­ches were just as much a topic as pre­pa­ra­ti­on when dis­cus­sing the most important com­pe­ti­tors.

Gami­fi­ca­ti­on as an immer­si­ve ele­ment

For us, gami­fi­ca­ti­on is not a buz­z­word, but a for­mat that offers par­ti­ci­pants a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent approach to lear­ning con­tent and dyna­mi­ses inter­ac­tions. For two weeks, the sale­speop­le par­ti­ci­pa­ted in our Quiz Walls”. In a race against time, they had to pro­ve their skills in a com­pe­ti­ti­on amongst all par­ti­ci­pants. As the time ran out, the num­ber of points for the cor­rect ans­wer also decre­a­sed. We had a total of six win­ners.

Digi­tal web-based trai­ning and hands-on expe­ri­ence

We orga­nis­ed two web-based trai­ning (WBT) cour­ses on the IONIQ 5 and its com­pe­ti­tors in which a lot of infor­ma­ti­on was deli­ve­r­ed in a con­cise and under­stand­a­ble way. Stron­gly visu­al, inter­ac­ti­ve, pai­red with quiz­zes and vide­os, the sale­speop­le recei­ved exact­ly the infor­ma­ti­on they nee­ded to give their cus­to­mers the best pos­si­ble advice. Some of the topics dis­cus­sed were char­ging times, ran­ges and bat­te­ry tech­no­lo­gy, assi­s­tance sys­tems or con­nec­ti­vi­ty. In the second WBT, we took a clo­ser look at the three stron­gest com­pe­ti­tors and high­ligh­ted the strong­points of the IONIQ 5.

A spe­cial high­light was the hands-on expe­ri­ence, in which the digi­tal and phy­si­cal world mer­ged. The sale­speop­le could scan a QR code on the car and initia­te an inter­ac­ti­ve vehi­cle tour via smart­pho­ne or tablet. The tour focu­sed on valu­able insights that help to clear­ly com­mu­ni­ca­te cus­to­mer bene­fits during the sales pitch.

The grand fina­le: a digi­tal live event

It’s show time! Out of a light tun­nel, the IONIQ 5, dri­ven by Jür­gen Kel­ler, impres­si­ve­ly con­que­red the Con­trol Cent­re. At the end of the iMis­si­on, the car ope­ned the live stream as a star and then made room for a thril­ling pro­gram­me. Mode­ra­ted by Chris Brow, the par­ti­ci­pants expe­ri­en­ced over 90 minu­tes of exci­ting talks with the prot­ago­nists of the pro­duct trai­ning, music from Fresh Music Live, JP Kraemer as a sur­pri­se guest and their own appearan­ce in the spot­light during the award cere­mo­ny.

In the clo­sing live stream, Jür­gen Kel­ler and the manage­ment team addres­sed the major future issu­es and gave a sneak peek of what Hyun­dai has in store for us.
The clo­sing live stream thus offe­red the per­fect end for the IONIQ 5 pro­duct trai­ning. The com­bi­na­ti­on of enter­tain­ment, exchan­ge of expe­ri­en­ces and a pre­view of Hyun­dai’s future mis­si­ons was very well recei­ved by ever­yo­ne invol­ved. This was also con­fir­med by the sub­se­quent posi­ti­ve feed­back on our trai­ning. iMis­si­on com­ple­te!

Facts & Figu­res der iMis­si­on IONIQ 5

  • Go-live of iMis­si­on IONIQ 5: May 2021
  • Clo­sing live stream: June 2021, dura­ti­on: 90 min
  • 1,090 par­ti­ci­pants log­ged on the Vir­tu­al Trai­ning Cock­pit
  • 89% of the par­ti­ci­pants com­ple­ted the pro­duct trai­ning
  • 4.3/5 stars average rating
  • 4.6/5 stars for the IONIQ 5 hands-on expe­ri­ence

Who came up with this? Mac Gyver? No!

SAPE­RED imple­men­ted all digi­tal touch­points of the trai­ning: from the inter­ac­ti­ve work­shops or the gami­fied ele­ments such as the Quiz Wall’, to the web-based trai­ning and the strea­med live event… all in coope­ra­ti­on with BAM Digi­tal Solu­ti­ons.

A very big thank you goes to tho­se respon­si­ble on the Hyun­dai side, who have pla­ced their trust in us throughout the ent­i­re dura­ti­on of the pro­ject - and bey­ond: Andrea Zlo­to­witz, Oli­ver Fal­ler and Nina Oth. We are real­ly loo­king for­ward to shaping the future of the Hyun­dai Trai­ning Expe­ri­ence tog­e­ther with you.

IONIQ 5 goes Hol­ly­wood - Here´s the link to the trai­ler

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