Digital Training 5 pro­blems digi­tal trai­ning can sol­ve: A gui­de for busi­nes­ses

Com­pa­nies urgent­ly need digi­tal trai­ning. But why is that? What are the bene­fits to the com­pa­ny of estab­li­shing digi­tal lear­ning? Here are 5 pro­blems that (almost) every com­pa­ny has today - and that high-qua­li­ty digi­tal trai­ning can sol­ve in who­le or in part.

Digital Training May 02, 2024 Matthäus Dubiel 6 min

Skills shor­ta­ge and lack of exper­ti­se

Ah yes, the skills shor­ta­ge … Is it real­ly that bad? Accord­ing to a stu­dy by the Insti­tut der deut­schen Wirt­schaft (IW), the­re is cau­se for con­cern: almost 150,000 unfil­led vacan­ci­es by 2023 - more than ever befo­re. If you want to recruit the best peop­le for your team, you have two opti­ons: You can try to out-com­pe­te other employ­ers for skil­led workers and attract new recruits. Or you can ensu­re that your exis­ting employees acqui­re the new skills you urgent­ly need. You can do both through trai­ning, pre­fer­a­b­ly in digi­tal form.

On the one hand, it pro­vi­des the lowest bar­ri­er to inter­nal lear­ning for your team. On the other hand, per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment is beco­m­ing an incre­a­singly important fac­tor for qua­li­fied employees loo­king for a new job. Accord­ing to a stu­dy by Hau­fe, by 2022, 84% of employees will con­si­der lear­ning oppor­tu­nities when choo­sing a new employ­er. By offe­ring cut­ting-edge digi­tal trai­ning pro­gram­mes, your com­pa­ny is demons­tra­ting that it is for­ward-thin­king and wil­ling to invest in the deve­lo­p­ment of its team. And that attracts employees who are eager to learn - exact­ly the peop­le you need to keep your busi­ness com­pe­ti­ti­ve.

Dis­en­ga­ged employees

Lear­ning is a power­ful moti­va­tor becau­se it chal­len­ges us, gives us a sen­se of achie­ve­ment and pro­mo­tes our deve­lo­p­ment. Con­ver­se­ly, moti­va­ti­on quick­ly wanes when we are doing the same thing over and over again with no pro­spect of chan­ge. The annu­al block semi­nar that hard­ly anyo­ne is inte­res­ted in can­not chan­ge this - but a lear­ning pro­gram­me that is desi­gned for con­ti­nuous deve­lo­p­ment and is always acces­si­ble can. In other words, a digi­tal lear­ning pro­gram­me.

Inno­va­ti­on iner­tia

Without lear­ning, the­re is no tri­al and error - and without tri­al and error, the­re is no inno­va­ti­on. In the digi­tal world, the abi­li­ty to inno­va­te is beco­m­ing the most important suc­cess fac­tor - even for tra­di­tio­nal com­pa­nies. If I don’t learn, I don’t chan­ge. And if I don’t chan­ge, but the world around me does, I won’t be able to com­pe­te in the long term.

Com­pa­nies that under­stand this have long inves­ted in high-qua­li­ty lear­ning pro­gram­mes. Of cour­se, this does­n’t just have to be e-lear­ning. Face-to-face events are also extre­me­ly important becau­se they allow direct dia­lo­gue and prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence in a team. If you want to be inno­va­ti­ve, you need both: the dyna­mism of face-to-face trai­ning and the con­stant avai­la­bi­li­ty of a digi­tal lear­ning plat­form. Blen­ded lear­ning is the key.

Lack of time or space to learn

Do you want to learn - but can’t find the time in your busy working day? Or would you like to offer more in-house semi­nars but don’t have the space?

The most obvious advan­ta­ge of digi­tal lear­ning is that it is not tied to time and place. Employees can choo­se when and whe­re they want to learn. This lowers the bar­ri­er to lear­ning and incre­a­ses its suc­cess. For com­pa­nies, this means not only high­ly skil­led employees, but also much less effort in orga­ni­sing face-to-face events - and lower cos­ts. Once an e-lear­ning pro­gram­me has been crea­ted, it can be deli­ve­r­ed as often and to as many peop­le as requi­red. This is not to say that e-lear­ning is suf­fi­ci­ent for all pur­po­ses. But by using digi­tal lear­ning pro­gram­mes whe­re it makes sen­se, you can save a lot of money on trai­ning, often with a grea­ter lear­ning impact.

Dif­fe­rent levels of know­ledge across mul­ti­ple sites

When medi­um or lar­ge com­pa­nies have mul­ti­ple loca­ti­ons, this can be detri­men­tal to team spi­rit and a con­sis­tent level of know­ledge. Howe­ver, it is important that each loca­ti­on has the same level of important infor­ma­ti­on about the com­pa­ny. Other­wi­se, work­flow is dis­rup­ted and the qua­li­ty of work suf­fers becau­se com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on does­n’t work. This is whe­re digi­tal lear­ning can be a real asset: if all inno­va­tions and important infor­ma­ti­on are con­ti­nuous­ly fed into a lear­ning pool in the form of trai­ning cour­ses, ever­yo­ne can access them - no mat­ter whe­re they work.

The big advan­ta­ge of inter­ac­ti­ve lear­ning envi­ron­ments over PDFs, for examp­le, is that they are more com­pact, more user-friend­ly and more fun. Few peop­le want to wade through a long text jung­le. A quiz, a drag-and-drop game, a ques­ti­on-and-ans­wer ses­si­on with a wit­ty chat­bot - all are gua­ran­te­ed to be bet­ter recei­ved than sim­ply rea­ding infor­ma­ti­on. This incre­a­ses acti­ve par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in lear­ning pro­gram­mes. No infor­ma­ti­on is lost - and ever­yo­ne stays on the same page. The best con­di­ti­ons for good col­la­bo­ra­ti­on.

Digi­tal lear­ning expe­ri­en­ces can do so much more

Sounds too good to be true? But it’s not - if you crea­te an offe­ring that is high qua­li­ty in terms of didac­tics, design and con­tent, and of cour­se rele­vant to your tar­get audi­ence. You can do this by working with a pro­fes­sio­nal lear­ning and deve­lo­p­ment agen­cy that deve­lo­ps first-class, tailor-made lear­ning oppor­tu­nities rather than off-the-shelf pro­ducts. Oops, tha­t’s us!

When you work with SAPE­RED, you get digi­tal trai­ning and lear­ning plat­forms that work from con­cep­ti­on to imple­men­ta­ti­on, are tailo­red to your orga­ni­sa­ti­on and your peop­le, and are gua­ran­te­ed to deli­ver the lear­ning results you want. How do we do this? First and fore­mo­st, by lis­tening. By lis­tening to the peop­le who know your orga­ni­sa­ti­on’s needs best. You, for examp­le.

Book your per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on now so we can take step 1 towards your per­fect trai­ning pro­gram­me. The­re’s no obli­ga­ti­on - and you’­re gua­ran­te­ed to learn a lot. We look for­ward to hea­ring from you!

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