Positioning in a brand context - what does it mean?
In marketing, the term positioning has two meanings
- Positioning in a niche with the aim of appealing to a specific target group with a product (e.g. supplier of women’s wool shoes without laces).
- A political and/or social commitment to certain beliefs, a particular style with a symbolic statement, a range of emotions evoked.
Both are marketing and both are directly related. But while No. 1 is about the immediate purchase effect, No. 2 is about economic sustainability. Positioning always takes place in conscious differentiation from other companies and pursues the goal of creating a USP.
So much for the condensed definition of positioning in the brand context. One of the most exciting things about positioning is that it is extremely important for both buyers and employees. The same mechanisms apply whether you are trying to attract customers, find new employees or retain existing ones.
Positioning for employers - why it’s so important
Today, those who can afford it have high expectations of their workplace. Free drinks and a regular summer party are no longer enough. Well-educated professionals want a job that is fulfilling, meaningful and with which they can identify. They want to work for a company that shares their values.
With a successful positioning strategy, you can do just that: paint a picture of your company that doesn’t appeal to everyone, but to many. And exactly the right people - those who share your philosophy and therefore want to work for you.
This is worth its weight in gold for the success of your business, because the best employees are those who believe in what they do. And they can only do that if your company is credible.
Principles of authentic positioning
There are a few principles you should keep in mind when positioning to ensure that your brand communication works smoothly and sustainably.
1. Positioning starts with action
Do you want to be seen as the best employer in, say, the education sector? Do you want potential candidates to perceive your company as extremely capable, smart and people-oriented? Then we have a brilliantly simple tip for you: Be exactly how you want to be seen! Only if you know how you want to be perceived can you act accordingly. And you will only be authentic and credible if you act accordingly.
2. Positioning follows a common thread
Positioning is only convincing if it is consistent. In other words, if you keep going back and forth, no one will believe you. So before you even think about a positioning strategy, ask yourself the following questions
- Who are we?
- What are our goals?
- What values do we hold for our employees and customers?
Once you have defined these things, pursue them consistently. Of course, change is good and necessary - especially in the digital age. But companies that constantly change their position will eventually cease to be taken seriously. So think carefully about what defines you at your core - your unchanging values that are visible in your daily work. And include them in your internal communications strategy.
3. No successful positioning without a target audience
Once you have clearly defined your values and objectives, it will be easier to develop a profile of your ideal candidate. Who do you want to attract with your employer brand? How can your corporate values be associated with this person? Once you have a clear picture of the ‘perfect’ employee, you can target them more effectively.
4. What to do when aspiration and reality diverge?
Sometimes the external perception and the internal perception of a company do not match. If your brand is perceived differently by employees, there could be two reasons: Either your communications are not fully developed. Or, more likely, you are not yet where you want to be. If this is the case, find out what you still need to do to achieve your desired image. Use such discrepancies to improve yourself as an employer. Positioning work can never be just marketing - it always has to do with the nature and personality of a company.
5. Positioning also means saying “no”
Companies that try to be all things to all people become vague and arbitrary - two things nobody wants. Successful brands sometimes exaggerate and simplify. They exaggerate their position to appeal to exactly the people they want to appeal to. But one thing they are never: vague.
Positioning is always about taking a stand - for something and against something else. When companies accept this, they are no longer appealing to everyone a little bit - they are appealing to some people very precisely. And that’s what you want when you’re looking for the best new employees: quality, not quantity. With clear positioning, you will find exactly the people who really like your company and who really like you.
Pole position with SAPERED
If you want people who really drive your business forward, who believe in what they do and who come to work with a smile on their face, then you need to create a workplace that deserves that smile. Part of that is providing your employees with training and development that is personalised, fun and truly relevant to their work.
You can find such training programmes with us. At SAPERED, we help authentic companies become even better employers - so they can attract the best people and stay successful for the long term.
Sound interesting? Then let’s talk. We’d love to help you with your training strategy. Register now for a free consultation!