Communication Posi­tio­ning: The magic word in brand com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on

If com­pa­nies real­ly want to reach peop­le, they need to build a brand with sub­s­tance. Sub­s­tance means that a real per­so­na­li­ty with authen­tic values emer­ges from bene­ath the mar­ke­ting shell. One thing in par­ti­cu­lar hel­ps: posi­tio­ning. You can read about what this means and why it makes for a strong brand here.

Positioning April 12, 2024 Pascal Jodocy 6 min

Posi­tio­ning in a brand con­text - what does it mean?

In mar­ke­ting, the term posi­tio­ning has two mea­nings

  1. Posi­tio­ning in a niche with the aim of appe­aling to a spe­ci­fic tar­get group with a pro­duct (e.g. sup­plier of women’s wool shoes without laces).
  2. A poli­ti­cal and/​or social com­mit­ment to cer­tain beliefs, a par­ti­cu­lar style with a sym­bo­lic state­ment, a ran­ge of emo­ti­ons evo­ked.

Both are mar­ke­ting and both are direct­ly rela­ted. But while No. 1 is about the immedia­te purcha­se effect, No. 2 is about eco­no­mic sus­taina­bi­li­ty. Posi­tio­ning always takes place in con­scious dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on from other com­pa­nies and pur­su­es the goal of crea­ting a USP.

So much for the con­den­sed defi­ni­ti­on of posi­tio­ning in the brand con­text. One of the most exci­ting things about posi­tio­ning is that it is extre­me­ly important for both buy­ers and employees. The same mecha­nisms app­ly whe­ther you are try­ing to attract cus­to­mers, find new employees or retain exis­ting ones.

Posi­tio­ning for employ­ers - why it’s so important

Today, tho­se who can afford it have high expec­ta­ti­ons of their work­place. Free drinks and a regu­lar sum­mer par­ty are no lon­ger enough. Well-edu­ca­ted pro­fes­sio­nals want a job that is ful­fil­ling, mea­ning­ful and with which they can iden­ti­fy. They want to work for a com­pa­ny that shares their values.

With a suc­cess­ful posi­tio­ning stra­te­gy, you can do just that: paint a pic­tu­re of your com­pa­ny that does­n’t appeal to ever­yo­ne, but to many. And exact­ly the right peop­le - tho­se who share your phi­lo­so­phy and the­re­fo­re want to work for you.

This is worth its weight in gold for the suc­cess of your busi­ness, becau­se the best employees are tho­se who belie­ve in what they do. And they can only do that if your com­pa­ny is credi­ble.

Princi­ples of authen­tic posi­tio­ning

The­re are a few princi­ples you should keep in mind when posi­tio­ning to ensu­re that your brand com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on works smooth­ly and sus­tainab­ly.

1. Posi­tio­ning starts with action

Do you want to be seen as the best employ­er in, say, the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor? Do you want poten­ti­al can­di­da­tes to per­cei­ve your com­pa­ny as extre­me­ly capa­ble, smart and peop­le-ori­en­ted? Then we have a bril­li­ant­ly simp­le tip for you: Be exact­ly how you want to be seen! Only if you know how you want to be per­cei­ved can you act accord­in­gly. And you will only be authen­tic and credi­ble if you act accord­in­gly.

2. Posi­tio­ning fol­lows a com­mon thread

Posi­tio­ning is only con­vin­cing if it is con­sis­tent. In other words, if you keep going back and forth, no one will belie­ve you. So befo­re you even think about a posi­tio­ning stra­te­gy, ask yourself the fol­lowing ques­ti­ons

  • Who are we?
  • What are our goals?
  • What values do we hold for our employees and cus­to­mers?

Once you have defi­ned the­se things, pur­sue them con­sist­ent­ly. Of cour­se, chan­ge is good and necessa­ry - espe­cial­ly in the digi­tal age. But com­pa­nies that con­stant­ly chan­ge their posi­ti­on will even­tual­ly cea­se to be taken serious­ly. So think care­ful­ly about what defi­nes you at your core - your unch­an­ging values that are visi­ble in your dai­ly work. And inclu­de them in your inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons stra­te­gy.

3. No suc­cess­ful posi­tio­ning without a tar­get audi­ence

Once you have clear­ly defi­ned your values and objec­ti­ves, it will be easier to deve­lop a pro­fi­le of your ide­al can­di­da­te. Who do you want to attract with your employ­er brand? How can your cor­po­ra­te values be asso­cia­ted with this per­son? Once you have a clear pic­tu­re of the per­fect’ employee, you can tar­get them more effec­tively.

4. What to do when aspi­ra­ti­on and rea­li­ty diver­ge?

Some­ti­mes the exter­nal per­cep­ti­on and the inter­nal per­cep­ti­on of a com­pa­ny do not match. If your brand is per­cei­ved dif­fer­ent­ly by employees, the­re could be two rea­sons: Eit­her your com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons are not ful­ly deve­lo­ped. Or, more likely, you are not yet whe­re you want to be. If this is the case, find out what you still need to do to achie­ve your desi­red image. Use such dis­crepan­ci­es to impro­ve yourself as an employ­er. Posi­tio­ning work can never be just mar­ke­ting - it always has to do with the natu­re and per­so­na­li­ty of a com­pa­ny.

5. Posi­tio­ning also means say­ing no”

Com­pa­nies that try to be all things to all peop­le beco­me vague and arbi­tra­ry - two things nobo­dy wants. Suc­cess­ful brands some­ti­mes exa­g­ge­ra­te and sim­pli­fy. They exa­g­ge­ra­te their posi­ti­on to appeal to exact­ly the peop­le they want to appeal to. But one thing they are never: vague.

Posi­tio­ning is always about taking a stand - for some­thing and against some­thing else. When com­pa­nies accept this, they are no lon­ger appe­aling to ever­yo­ne a litt­le bit - they are appe­aling to some peop­le very pre­cise­ly. And tha­t’s what you want when you’­re loo­king for the best new employees: qua­li­ty, not quan­ti­ty. With clear posi­tio­ning, you will find exact­ly the peop­le who real­ly like your com­pa­ny and who real­ly like you.

Pole posi­ti­on with SAPE­RED

If you want peop­le who real­ly dri­ve your busi­ness for­ward, who belie­ve in what they do and who come to work with a smi­le on their face, then you need to crea­te a work­place that deser­ves that smi­le. Part of that is pro­vi­ding your employees with trai­ning and deve­lo­p­ment that is per­so­na­li­sed, fun and tru­ly rele­vant to their work.

You can find such trai­ning pro­gram­mes with us. At SAPE­RED, we help authen­tic com­pa­nies beco­me even bet­ter employ­ers - so they can attract the best peop­le and stay suc­cess­ful for the long term.

Sound inte­res­ting? Then let’s talk. We’d love to help you with your trai­ning stra­te­gy. Regis­ter now for a free con­sul­ta­ti­on!

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