Projects Pro­duct know­ledge meets brand DNA

We usual­ly like working on all our pro­jects. But every so often, excep­tio­nal­ly enjoya­ble ones crop up.
And the fun factor’s pri­ma­ri­ly due to the peop­le encoun­te­red during the­se pro­jects. But it’s also down to what the­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons ent­ail.

In our last pro­ject with Vail­lant, both aspects were a good fit.
Regar­ding the Vail­lant Race for Cli­ma­te, we were firing on all cylin­ders.

What’s the pro­ject all about?

At Vail­lant, eco­lo­gi­cal sus­taina­bi­li­ty isn’t just a buz­z­word but actively prac­ti­sed.
Com­mer­cial suc­cess and respon­si­bi­li­ty for the envi­ron­ment and socie­ty go hand in hand.

SAPERED’s ethos is iden­ti­cal, so the enqui­ry we recei­ved a few weeks ago quick­ly spar­ked our inte­rest. As part of an incen­ti­ve event, Vail­lant was see­king ways of making tra­de part­ners more fami­li­ar with the pro­ducts. At the same time – and this is the par­ti­cu­lar­ly inte­res­ting part – we were asked to turn the brand DNA into an expe­ri­ence.

How did we do it?

In four mini games about heat pumps, tra­de part­ners acqui­red more than just pro­duct know­ledge. Hel­pful advice and prac­ti­cal tips for ever­y­day use and pit­ching to or advi­sing cus­to­mers roun­ded off the expe­ri­ence.

In hands-on ses­si­ons, par­ti­ci­pants were asked to join pie­ces of the puz­zle (qui­te liter­al­ly) that con­sti­tu­te a pitch in a mea­ning­ful way. Images in the iOS app we pro­gram­med show­ed whe­ther they’d com­ple­ted the task cor­rect­ly and pro­vi­ded more infor­ma­ti­on into the bar­gain.

An open vent boi­ler as an escape game

Tho­se taking part were par­ti­cu­lar­ly fired up by our escape game.

Based on tra­di­tio­nal escape rooms, the EcoTEC plus beca­me our play­ing field.
As part of an exci­ting sto­ry­line, pre­ven­ting the polar ice caps from mel­ting or the Gulf Stream com­ing to a halt were just some of the goals par­ti­ci­pants fought to achie­ve.

To do so, they deco­ded encryp­ted voice messages, went in search of secret hiding pla­ces and sol­ved one or two puz­zles.
In this respect, our iOS app also offe­red us count­less oppor­tu­nities to branch out into a digi­tal space too. Along­side the sto­ry­line, it also inclu­ded puz­zles, hints and, of cour­se, the score.

But why are we so pum­ped to tell you about the pro­ject?

In our trai­ning ses­si­ons, we don’t just try to con­vey (pro­duct) exper­ti­se sus­tainab­ly.
We’re con­stant­ly thin­king about how to turn brand iden­ti­ties into expe­ri­en­ces.

Regar­ding the Race for Cli­ma­te, we pla­ced the new pro­ducts on a value plat­form that Vail­lant and its sales reps share. And to turn up the heat, we added an extra digi­tal lay­er to the ana­lo­gue space as well.

To be con­ti­nued – as long as Vail­lant for­gi­ves us for the puns in this post! If that’s not the case, we cer­tain­ly enjoy­ed get­ting our fin­gers burnt…

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