Hyundai IONIQ 5 Product Training For a new era of elec­tro­mo­bi­li­ty

100% digi­tal sales trai­ning

During the COVID-19 cri­sis, the issue of distance occu­p­ied us. Howe­ver, at SAPE­RED, we accep­ted the­se chal­len­ges and made the best of it: For examp­le, in pre­pa­ring sale­speop­le for the mar­ket launch of the Hyun­dai IONIQ 5.

On an iMis­si­on

Our goal was not only to enab­le and deve­lop the par­ti­ci­pants through the trai­ning but also to exci­te them.

On the one hand, for the IONIQ 5, but also for Hyun­dai’s new sub-brand IONIQ. This was the birth of the iMis­si­on IONIQ 5.

Inter­ac­ti­ve work­shops on brand, pro­duct & com­pe­ti­ti­on

Repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from Hyun­dai could inter­act direct­ly with the par­ti­ci­pants from a vir­tu­al stu­dio.

For examp­le, Jür­gen Kel­ler (Mana­ging Direc­tor Hyun­dai Motor Ger­ma­ny) and Chris­ti­na Her­zog (Direc­tor of Mar­ke­ting & Press) pro­vi­ded inten­si­ve work­shop insights into the brand stra­te­gy and posi­tio­ning of the IONIQ brand.

In the inter­ac­ti­ve work­shops on the IONIQ 5 and its com­pe­ti­tors, we per­fect­ly pre­pa­red the sale­speop­le for their sales con­ver­sa­ti­ons. The focus was on the high­lights of the IONIQ 5, but also the strengths and weak­nes­ses of its com­pe­ti­tors. The­se work­shops were led by Hol­ger Mül­ler (Direc­tor Sales), Patrick Schulz (Head of Sales Stra­te­gy & Depu­ty Sales Direc­tor), Den­nis Holz (Head of Depart­ment | Pro­duct Stra­te­gy & Manage­ment), and Lars Peters (Head of Sales Trai­ning).

Web-based Trai­ning

Web-Based Trai­nings, as well as know­ledge tests, were a cen­tral com­po­nent wit­hin the over­ar­ching gami­fi­ca­ti­on approach. Through inter­ac­ti­ve com­pon­ents, par­ti­ci­pants could easi­ly memo­ri­ze all fea­tures of the vehi­cle and simul­ta­ne­ous­ly obser­ve pro­gress wit­hin the over­ar­ching lea­der­board.

The trai­nings were com­ple­ted with gre­at suc­cess, and the pro­duct and brand know­ledge was con­vey­ed to the tar­get group.

The Hands-On Expe­ri­ence

A spe­cial high­light was the Hands-On Expe­ri­ence, whe­re the digi­tal and phy­si­cal worlds mer­ged. Sale­speop­le could scan a QR code on the vehi­cle and initia­te an inter­ac­ti­ve vehi­cle tour via smart­pho­ne or tablet.

The Grand Fina­le as a Digi­tal Live Event

Spots on! Emer­ging impres­si­ve­ly from a light tun­nel, the IONIQ 5 con­que­red the Con­trol Cen­ter, dri­ven by Jür­gen Kel­ler. At the end of the iMis­si­on, the vehi­cle, as the star, ope­ned the live stream and then made way for an exci­ting pro­gram. Hos­ted by Chris Brow, par­ti­ci­pants expe­ri­en­ced over 90 minu­tes of exci­ting talks with the prot­ago­nists of the pro­duct trai­ning, music from Fresh Music Live, JP Kraemer as a sur­pri­se guest, and their own spot­light moment during the award cere­mo­nies.

In the clo­sing live stream, Jür­gen Kel­ler and the manage­ment team addres­sed the big future topics, pee­ked through the key­ho­le, and gave an out­look on Hyun­dai’s future.

Thus, the clo­sing live stream pro­vi­ded the per­fect con­clu­si­on for the IONIQ 5 pro­duct trai­ning. The mix of enter­tain­ment, exchan­ge of expe­ri­en­ces, and a look at Hyun­dai’s future mis­si­ons was very well recei­ved by all par­ti­ci­pants. This was also con­fir­med by the sub­se­quent posi­ti­ve eva­lua­tions of our trai­ning. iMis­si­on com­ple­ted.

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