Gamification Vail­lant escape game

Solu­ti­ons in the fight against the cli­ma­te cri­sis: our cus­to­mer Vail­lant offers many of them. But how do you make sure the­se solu­ti­ons find their way to cus­to­mers?
We belie­ve it’s by taking the fear out of the­se new pro­ducts, giving our par­ti­ci­pants the oppor­tu­ni­ty to play with the new fea­tures and see the added value, and at the same time using cle­ver sto­ry­tel­ling to sti­mu­la­te the sales pitch.

The solu­ti­on:

Turn the pro­duct into an escape game. Par­ti­ci­pants use the pro­duct to sol­ve small, sequen­ti­al puz­zles to com­ple­te their per­so­nal mis­si­on to save the cli­ma­te. A pro­duct expe­ri­ence that gene­ra­tes a lot of AAAHs, WOWs and YEAHs.

The escape game was almost more fun than win­ning the main pri­ze:”

Our task

More speed for climate protection: Vaillant is calling on its dealers to take part in the "Race for Climate".
Dealers and installers come together at several locations throughout Germany to playfully familiarise themselves with new products and services. Participants collect points in a friendly competition and are rewarded with active prizes.

Our task was to design the content and didactic concept and implement the gamification elements: a hybrid product experience with added value.

Our aim

The target group actively engages with the features of the new product, understands its added value and loses its reluctance to offer it to customers.

Our stra­te­gy

We combine intelligent storytelling with an innovative game strategy: not only do we create compelling product experiences, but we also raise awareness of the need to change our own behaviour.

The result

The product (heat pump) as an analogue playing field - solving puzzles that require the installer to really get to grips with the product. By actually dealing with the product, we reduce respect for a (supposedly) difficult installation.

An app combines the game experience with additional product information and facts about climate change.

Real pro­duct know­ledge

The Vail­lant Escape Game is not pri­ma­ri­ly about sco­ring points. It is important to us that the pro­duct and the under­stan­ding of it are at the cent­re. Par­ti­ci­pants touch the air/​water heat pump, take it apart and expe­ri­ence new pro­duct fea­tures. How do we achie­ve this?

Well, for examp­le, like this:
Par­ti­ci­pants recei­ve an encryp­ted voice mes­sa­ge tel­ling them about the mel­ting of the polar ice caps, which urgent­ly needs to be slo­wed down. The trick is that if they play the mes­sa­ge at half speed, it beco­mes intel­li­gi­ble and con­tains many clues.
To deci­pher the clues, lear­ners must open the air/​water heat pump. Insi­de, the­re are ice cubes hid­den in stra­te­gic pla­ces.
The solu­ti­on word for this first part of the escape game can be found in the­se ice cubes.

What do we achie­ve?

The par­ti­ci­pants take a first look insi­de the pro­duct.
Hiding the ice cubes draws atten­ti­on to tech­ni­cal inno­va­tions and inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons.

Less com­ple­xi­ty - more impact

The new Vail­lant air/​water heat pump inclu­des digi­tal fea­tures and ser­vices that make life easier for instal­lers. Unfa­mi­lia­ri­ty with digi­tal solu­ti­ons crea­tes not only a natu­ral bar­ri­er, but abo­ve all uncer­tain­ty and fear. We are addres­sing this fear by exten­ding our play­ing field’ with an iOS app. This app is used to set tasks, con­tains fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on - and is easy to use. It is pro­gram­med to avoid wrong clicks and is easy for anyo­ne to use.

By redu­cing com­ple­xi­ty, we also take away par­ti­ci­pants’ fear of digi­tal. Less com­ple­xi­ty - more impact.

Sto­ry­tel­ling leads to beha­viour chan­ge

A lear­ning expe­ri­ence should always lead to a chan­ge in the beha­viour of par­ti­ci­pants.
In our case, the acti­ve pla­ce­ment of the inno­va­ti­ve air/​water heat pump in sales con­ver­sa­ti­ons with end users.

By approa­ching the pro­duct in a play­ful and simp­le way, we were able to allay fears of exces­si­ve com­ple­xi­ty. At the same time, we deve­lo­ped a com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve frame­work for the escape game that makes peop­le awa­re of the impor­t­ance and urgen­cy of more sus­tainab­le ener­gy sys­tems: As agents, par­ti­ci­pants save our pla­net by play­ing their way through the escape game. All puz­zles are direct­ly rela­ted to immedia­te chal­len­ges (air pol­lu­ti­on, mel­ting polar ice caps, heat waves and droughts, etc.) - without any fin­ger wag­ging.

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