"What goes too long ..." Inspi­ra­ti­on

What does this mean for us?

For us it is a call to ques­ti­on our stra­te­gies and con­cepts again and again. Are we (still) achie­ving the desi­red goals? Do we still have a clear view of our tar­get group? Do we need to rethink for­mer models of suc­cess? An examp­le: Jane Bozarth once said that we should stop thin­king that cour­ses are the ans­wer to ever­ything. We stop­ped doing that a long time ago and have deve­lo­ped new for­mats and found new pro­ces­ses. Now we are brea­king new ground again and are exci­ted to see what else can be chan­ged in the future. We are loo­king for­ward to it.

What do you think? What do you want to chan­ge?
Con­ta­ct Jens

Foto: Mari­an Wood Kolisch

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