Best Podcasts Lear­ning & Deve­lo­p­ment Pod­cast by and with David James

The Lear­ning & Deve­lo­p­ment Pod­cast by David James is sim­ply legen­da­ry. At SAPE­RED, we eager­ly await each epi­so­de and, when pos­si­ble, we lis­ten to the 45-minu­te pod­casts. And, belie­ve us, it’s always worth it.

The topics are time­ly, the guests, abso­lu­te experts and David James, with his incredi­ble exper­ti­se and com­pe­tence, gui­des us through his pod­cast so delight­ful­ly and calm­ly, that it is a real plea­su­re to sit back and enjoy the show.

Our high­lights:

  • Digi­tal Lear­ning & The 5Di Model With Peter Man­ni­che-Riber.
  • The L&D Detec­ti­ve Kit For Sol­ving Impact Mys­te­ries With Kevin M. Yates
  • A Real L&D Trans­for­ma­ti­on With Sean Coo­per

David James has worked in the field of Peop­le Deve­lo­p­ment for more than 20 years, most­ly as Direc­tor of Talent, Lear­ning and OD for The Walt Dis­ney Com­pa­ny in Euro­pe, the Midd­le East and Afri­ca. In addi­ti­on to his role as Chief Lear­ning Stra­te­gist at Loo­op, David James is a pro­mi­nent aut­hor and spea­ker on topics rela­ted to modern and digi­tal L&D and an acti­ve mem­ber of the CIPD L&D Advi­so­ry Board.

Mode­ra­tor: David James on Lin­kedIn
Web­site: David James at Loop
Char­te­red Insti­tu­te of Per­son­nel and Deve­lo­p­ment, CIPD

For­mat: Pod­cast, free of char­ge, every 2 weeks

Avail­ab­le here:
Spo­ti­fy, Apple Music, goog­le, Sti­cher, Omny, Ama­zon

Tar­get group: Agen­ci­es and com­pa­nies
Lan­guages: Eng­lich

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