Good to know 84% pre­fer self-direc­ted lear­ning to pre­scri­bed lear­ning*

A num­ber that may not come as a sur­pri­se at first – after all, lear­ners know best what they need and when they need it.

Here is whe­re it gets inte­res­ting: neu­ro­sci­en­tists have found out that self-deter­mi­ned, intrinsi­cal­ly moti­va­ted lear­ning invol­ves other parts of the brain than extern­al­ly pre­scri­bed”, extrinsi­cal­ly moti­va­ted lear­ning. It the­re­fo­re stands to rea­son that employees dedi­ca­te more time and effort to self-defi­ned tasks than to assi­gned acti­vi­ties.

What is the key takea­way?

Talk to your employees! They know best what they need, they are self-deter­mi­ned and can give you insights that can help opti­mi­se the com­pany’s inter­nal trai­ning offer. Only then can you explo­it the full poten­ti­al of for­mats such as per­for­mance sup­port, micro­lear­ning or lear­ning on demand.

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