Strategy Impul­ses for modern lear­ning and future-ori­en­ted lear­ning cul­tures

Pro­blems can­not be sol­ved with the same thin­king we used when we crea­ted them.”

What Ein­stein so casual­ly sta­ted is not so easy to app­ly. Becau­se who likes to part with che­ris­hed rou­ti­nes, known pro­ce­du­res, or lea­ve the warm com­fort zone. Open­ness to chan­ge is one of the so-cal­led Future Skills.

This refers to the com­pe­ten­ci­es that will beco­me, and in some cases alrea­dy are, essen­ti­al for the future of (work)life. Tho­se who are open to new ide­as seek inspi­ra­ti­on and learn through impul­ses from others. Becau­se some­ti­mes it takes an impul­se from the out­side to come up with new ide­as and to cri­ti­cal­ly ques­ti­on the ever­y­day.

This idea was exact­ly what our assign­ment fol­lo­wed, con­duc­ting a Brown­bag Ses­si­on for the inter­nal Deloit­te trai­ning team.

To teach means to kind­le a fire, not to fill an empty bucket.” - Hera­cli­tus

Our Task

We develop and implement Brownbag Sessions. But what is that exactly?

The idea of a Brownbag Session is an informal meeting where everyone brings something to eat, listening to an impulse talk in a relaxed atmosphere while eating. In our case: We provide impulses for modern learning to the Deloitte Training team.

Our Goal

We fully agree with Heraclitus (see above) – we want to excite learners (and teachers). Excite them about the fact that training can be anything, that we have countless possibilities to make training great, and that training can be really good and meaningful.

We want to create wow, yeah, and aha moments with our work for learners and inspire others to do the same.

Our Stra­te­gy

We combine small experiences, exercises, cases, and a few daring theses into one or two interactive sessions. Following the impulses, there are always reflection tasks or suggestions on how the heard can be applied in the Deloitte training routine. Because in the end, it's all about integrating new ideas into one's own work to continuously evolve.

The Result

Two entertaining sessions that have shown new perspectives on training and the role of Learning & Development in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, and have sustainably changed the learning culture at Deloitte.

Fruit­ful dis­cus­sion through The­sis-Tin­der

With the Deloit­te L&D team, we dis­cuss the big issu­es from the world of Lear­ning & Deve­lo­p­ment – star­ting with the needs of the lear­ners and how to deter­mi­ne them, over inno­va­ti­ve lear­ning for­mats to thoughts on the big topic of lear­ning cul­tu­re.

We shared insights into our work, our approach, and our ide­as: To make lear­ning at Deloit­te more diver­se in the future and to put lear­ners even more at the cen­ter of plan­ning and imple­men­ta­ti­on.

Bes­i­des ple­nty of inspi­ra­ti­on and new per­spec­ti­ves, we also dis­cus­sed with the group. For examp­le, about how much influ­ence Lear­ning & Deve­lo­p­ment can (and should?) have on infor­mal lear­ning in the com­pa­ny and how this affects the lear­ning cul­tu­re.

For this, we deve­lo­ped a small The­sis-Tin­der. The idea is qui­te simp­le: We pose dar­ing the­ses and the par­ti­ci­pants can - in typi­cal Tin­der fashion - deci­de whe­ther they agree with the­se the­ses or not. This way, we crea­te our own basis for dis­cus­sion.

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