Learning & Development How do com­pa­nies learn today?

Lear­ning is beco­m­ing incre­a­singly important in orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, and for good rea­son: sin­ce 2015, around 25% of job requi­re­ments have chan­ged, and this figu­re is expec­ted to dou­ble by 2027. As digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on trans­forms the world of work, com­pa­nies need new stra­te­gies to keep their teams pro­duc­ti­ve and well-trai­ned. This is par­ti­cu­lar­ly evi­dent in the gro­wing impor­t­ance of one spe­ci­fic area of the orga­ni­sa­ti­on: Lear­ning & Deve­lo­p­ment.

Learning & Development August 08, 2023 Janine Kappenberg 6 min

What more than 2,500 glo­bal respondents know about cor­po­ra­te lear­ning

Did we pull that sca­ry per­cen­ta­ge out of thin air? Of cour­se not! As a pro­fes­sio­nal lear­ning and deve­lo­p­ment agen­cy, we value not only inspi­ra­ti­on, but also fac­tu­al accu­ra­cy.

The 25% chan­ge in demand comes from the Lin­kedIn Work­place Lear­ning Report 2024, which pro­vi­des a repre­sen­ta­ti­ve pic­tu­re of lear­ning in orga­ni­sa­ti­ons around the world. More than 1,500 lear­ning and deve­lo­p­ment pro­fes­sio­nals and more than 1,000 lear­ners were sur­vey­ed about lear­ning needs and con­di­ti­ons in their orga­ni­sa­ti­ons.

Not in the mood for the full report? No pro­blem, here is the exe­cu­ti­ve sum­ma­ry:

Lear­ning objec­ti­ves need to be bet­ter ali­gned with busi­ness goals

For the second year run­ning, bet­ter align­ment of lear­ning and busi­ness objec­ti­ves is the top prio­ri­ty. Ide­al­ly, an orga­ni­sa­ti­on’s lear­ning stra­te­gy and stra­te­gic direc­tion should go hand in hand. Is this not yet the case? No, not yet.
We are tal­king about data liter­acy. Our appeal: throw your hap­py she­ets over­board. Lear­ning mana­gers, your suc­cess is not mea­su­red by the satis­fac­tion of your employees, and cer­tain­ly not by the num­ber of trai­ning cour­ses you orga­ni­se.
Learn to quan­ti­fy employee pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, look at employee reten­ti­on, ana­ly­se the impact of your trai­ning on the busi­ness and track cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion.

Rapid ups­kil­ling and res­kil­ling requi­red

We need more speed. Much more speed.
But it won’t work if we con­ti­nue to rely on lar­ge trai­ning pro­gram­mes desi­gned to train hund­reds or thousands of peop­le at a time. It is slow and inef­fi­ci­ent. It is beco­m­ing incre­a­singly clear that the best approach is to tailor trai­ning to the indi­vi­du­al care­er moti­va­tions of employees (key­word: micro­lear­ning). Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence can help. Be bra­ve!

Lear­ning cul­tu­re, lear­ning cul­tu­re, lear­ning cul­tu­re

Always that pes­ky cul­tu­re issue. Why is it important? Stu­dies show that com­pa­nies with a strong lear­ning cul­tu­re have hig­her employee loyal­ty, signi­fi­cant­ly more inter­nal fle­xi­bi­li­ty and speed, and a healt­hi­er manage­ment pipe­line. The leverage is huge.
By the way, we at SAPE­RED can help with this too.

Employees deve­lop into new posi­ti­ons wit­hin the orga­ni­sa­ti­on

The vast majo­ri­ty of lear­ning mana­gers have now reco­gnis­ed the poten­ti­al of inter­nal mobi­li­ty’. In other words, com­pa­nies encou­ra­ge and sup­port their employees to deve­lop into new roles. Com­pa­nies that do this par­ti­cu­lar­ly well bene­fit from hig­her reten­ti­on rates and from having employees with cross-func­tio­n­al know­ledge.

Again, a cul­tu­ral chan­ge is nee­ded in many com­pa­nies. The­re is still a cer­tain fear among mana­gers in many com­pa­nies that they will lose their best talent to other depart­ments. This is whe­re you can start. Our tip: think about small steps that your com­pa­ny can take today.

Com­pa­nies only chan­ge with their peop­le

Com­pa­nies chan­ge. In their ori­en­ta­ti­on and struc­tures, in the way they work.
But this only works if they sup­port and invol­ve their employees in the­se chan­ges. We can­not impo­se chan­ge from the top down and sim­ply expect it to be imple­men­ted.

Cross-func­tio­n­al rela­ti­ons­hips play an important role

77% of lear­ning and deve­lo­p­ment mana­gers sur­vey­ed said their role has beco­me more cross-func­tio­n­al. They work not only in trai­ning and talent deve­lo­p­ment, but also much more clo­se­ly with col­leagues respon­si­ble for diver­si­ty, equi­ty and inclu­si­on (DE&I), talent manage­ment, lea­ders­hip and recrui­t­ing. Trai­ning is no lon­ger a silo­ed func­tion wit­hin HR - becau­se sus­tainab­le lear­ning is always holistic. It is not about quick memo­ri­sa­ti­on, but about crea­ting a lear­ning cul­tu­re that enab­les con­ti­nuous lear­ning. And to crea­te this, ever­yo­ne needs to be invol­ved.

We can help you with your mam­mo­th task

The Lin­kedIn report has shown once again what we have known for a long time: Lear­ning is no lon­ger some­thing orga­ni­sa­ti­ons can do as an afterthought. It is one of the most important prio­ri­ties to suc­ceed in the digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on. It is not about ticking trai­ning boxes, it is about crea­ting a lear­ning cul­tu­re that enab­les real deve­lo­p­ment. And not just for mana­gers, but for all employees. This is whe­re our Lear­ning Expe­ri­en­ces come in: we crea­te uni­que trai­ning pro­gram­mes that fit you per­fect­ly and help you achie­ve your goals. Not off the peg, but with a lot of exper­ti­se and a com­pre­hen­si­ve stra­te­gy.

Does that sound exci­ting? Then get to know us! Book your free con­sul­ta­ti­on now, we look for­ward to hea­ring from you.

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